Joesephine graduated from Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI) with a Degree in Hypnotherapy and is a Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programing (NLP). HMI is one of the top schools and the only accredited hypnosis school in the United States. She is certified through the American Hypnosis Association and the Hypnotherapists' Union. She has been a Reiki Master since 2013, and uses Usui, Karuna™, and Reiki Drumming.
Joesephine has been interested in the healing arts since a child. She was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at age three, and was raised to manage the autoimmune disorder with insulin, organic cooking and diet, and healthy lifestyle. Raised in an integrated medicine home, she has carried the knowledge and interest of natural healing, herbalism, and energy work in her daily adult life.
Through the years of coping and managing the (literal) ups-and-down of Type 1, she discovered the mental, emotional and spiritual side of healing. Joesephine has cultivated a knowledge and insight of the workings of the human mind through personal experience, working at a Community Acupuncture clinic, breathwork, shamanic work, doula training, and Reiki Master training. These experiences lead her to the practice of Hypnotherapy, the art of understanding the unconscious workings of the mind.
Joesephine grew up in Park City, Utah, and now lives in Salt Lake City. Besides her passion for hypnotherapy, she takes delight in gardening, cooking, Burning Man, and traveling.
Joesephine Lawrence is a Certified Hypnotherapist with Hypnotherapists Union Local 472 (AFLCIO) Member #50425213. Member of the American Hypnosis Association, and Graduate of Hypnosis Motivation Institute.